Author Archives: jpreleski

The Genius of The Crowd

bukowski cat

The Genius of the crowd
There is enough treachery, hatred violence
Absurdity in the average human being
To supply any given army on any given day

And the best at murder are those that preach against it
And the best at hate are those who preach love
And the best at war
Are those who preach peace

Beware the average man
The average woman
Beware their love

Their love is average
Seeks average

But there is genius in their hatred
There is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
To kill anybody

Not wanting solitude
Not understanding soitude
They will attempt to destroy anything that differs from their own

Not being able to create art, they will not understand art

They will consider their failure as creators
Only as a failure of the world

Not being able to love fully they will believe your love incomplete
And then
They will hate you

And their hatred will be perfect
Like a shining diamond
Like a knife
Like a mountain
Like a tiger
Like hemlock

Their finest art

— Charles Bukowski

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A clean, well-lighted place

Batman edward hopper

I love this piece by artist Nagy Norbert, it reminds me of Edward Hopper, my favorite visual chronicler of American ennui.

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My Sun and Stars

The Message is Medium Rare

(Homer Simpson drooling noises)

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I believe I can fly

Bill Murray magic johnson

Rare photograph of Bill Murray pitching an early incarnation of Space Jam to Magic Johnson.

Similar to the case of Sean Connery and the Lord of The Rings script, Space Jam proved to be too high concept for Magic.


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Never Forget

Hartford whalers gordie howe

Hartford Whalers sean burke is god

hartford whalers smokey the bear

Hartford whalers mike liut

john roland whalers kid

I wonder what then CT Governor John Rowland  is whispering into this poor kid’s ear.  Whatever it was I’m sure his breath smelled like a mix of coffee and rat shit.

Long live the Whale.

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Eames Van der Beek

Eames chair in study1

Often times while watching a movie on my 17-inch TV/VCR combo from 1999, I fantasize about buying a huge flatscreen and mounting it above my fireplace.  While being able to read subtitles or enjoying Marion Cotillard in high definition would be great, if I saved that $1,000, I’d be 1/5 on my way to an Eames Lounge Chair.

eames chair in study6

The Eames Lounge Chair  has been around in its current form since 1956 but looks like it could have been made in 2006.  Like a Porsche 911 or the Converse All Star, some things are just timeless.

eames chair in study5

Ever since I sat in my Uncle’s replica chair when I was a kid, I was hooked.  Beyond its obvious beauty and supreme comfort…wait, being beautiful and comfortable is pretty much why I like the chair.

eames chair in study4

Even this dog has respect for the Eames, he knows not to sleep on the artwork.

eames chair in study3

I don’t fantasize about owning many luxury items  but I do hope that one day the Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman will be mine.

fraiser in eames chair

Trill shit.




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